Saturday, February 17, 2018


I'm happy to report that after last week's rant, there were significantly fewer bathroom requests at inappropriate times.  Hooray for flow charts and occasionally losing your temper!

So, we were able to concentrate on German, and it was a good time for that since Monday was Rosenmontag and Tuesday was Faschingsdienstag.  I taught about them in both German 1 and German 2.  (I blogged about this in 2016, too.)

I also took pictures in our local Kroger of Berliner (aka Paczki):

and of other Faschingsdienstag events:

Deutsche Welle has a good video in English about some of the major celebrations:

There's also a German version:

And the Tagesschau also had good coverage of this year's Rosenmontag parades, which I've cropped here (though you can watch the video with German subtitles at

My students especially enjoyed the political floats!  

I brought in Berliner for the 15 students in my tutorial that day.  I also told my German 1 students, whose class met on Faschingsdienstag, that they could bring in Berliner for the class (supplying 90 doughnuts myself was not really within my budget), and two students in one of the classes took me up on the offer.  Everyone enjoyed the celebration!

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