Wednesday, August 12, 2020

First Student Day


Today was the first day of online learning for students.  It seemed to go well!  I did not have a required live meeting with my students; instead, they were to work through the above lesson on their own.

Based on the responses I got to the Germany Quiz and Introduce Yourself speaking task, most (though not all) of my students seem to have gotten themselves to the right place and been able to work on the lesson independently, as I had intended.  

I had 3 students live video chat with me to get help with technology problems they were having, and several others sent email messages with questions, so I think communication is off to a good start.

Now the challenge is to track down those students who haven't yet engaged and see what might be preventing them from doing so!


  1. Your post made me think about the first student day for me (coming up soon!). How did your students know what to do on day 1? Did your admin send out an email? Our first two days will be synchronous (odds / evens), but I don't know how the kids are supposed to know that. Hmm - thank you for making me think! :)

    1. Our district sent out information by email, facebook, twitter, and the district website. There were pick-up days for student laptops. One thing I definitely noticed in the spring was that there isn't a single way that people connect to the schools, so it can be easy to miss people. I know that not all laptops have been picked up yet, and I expect that many of my "missing" students simply don't have their devices yet or weren't sure what to do. Now the detective work begins to track them down! When is your first day?
